My Northern Wisconsin

Covering Ashland, Iron, Lincoln, Oneida, Price, Rusk, Sawyer, Taylor, and Vilas Counties



Spotlight: People of Price County    No Replies

My Northern Wisconsin, 12-19-2021, 07:00 AM

Photo by: Melissa Schultz

Date Published:  June 24, 2021

Karen Kerner grew up on a farm in Price County. The third from the youngest sibling out of nine children, she learned a number of lessons growing up in a big farm family. One of those lessons, which would be her words of wisdom to younger generations, is to take care of what you have. She also learned the importance of family at a young age, which is why she is passionate about family getting along. Family trips at Sailor Lake are some of her most treasured memories from childhood.

Not long after Karen graduated from Phillips High School, she and her high school sweetheart, Greg Denzine, established Deer Creek Angus as a small livestock operation in Phillips. Greg, also coming from a farming family, was a great match for Karen as she said she always knew she wanted to be a farmer. Together, their passion for farming has grown.

The couple married and have two children, Alexis and Wyatt. They also have a Great Pyrenees farm dog named Bandit. Surrounded by beautiful woods and rolling pastures, they live on a picturesque farm. All their animals are raised on the farm in a stress-free environment fed with grass, hay, and grain grown on their farm and harvested by them. "All our calves are pasture-raised by 'Mother Cow.' Management traits of calving ease low birth weights and promote fast growth, marbling qualities, and high survivability, all of which mean a greater product. Our Angus cattle are docile, easy to handle, and have great longevity," Karen explained of their farming operation.

She also explained what happens beyond their farm. "Our animals are processed at Whiskey Ridge in Radisson, Wisconsin, a state-inspected and licensed facility. Whiskey Ridge is owned by Mark and Linda Heath, life-long residents of Radisson, who have been in business for 24 years."

Much of Karen's life has centered around farming and learning all that she can to be well-rounded in that line of work. If she could meet one of her ancestors, she said she would want to meet her grandfather who passed on when she was three months old. "I have tons of farming questions for him," she said. Luckily, she was able to meet a man named Franklin Loula, who was a farmer and close family friend. "I farm today by some of the things he taught me," she shared. If she could have one power, she would like x-ray vision. "Some days, in this line of work, it would really come in handy," she noted.

Karen lives by the motto that working hard pays off. She admitted she is a small woman but is ballsier than most men. The fact that she has ridden a bull can attest to that statement. To be able to ride bulls and wrangle cattle out west in the 1850s to 1900 is the time period she would be most interested in visiting if she could.

One of Karen's greatest accomplishments is the dairy breakfast she helped organize across Price County for two decades. "Many people think a dairy breakfast is for the farmers, but I also wanted it for the community so it would promote the dairy industry and for people to realize what goes on at a farm. That aspect was really important to me," she said.

Karen would like to see Price County grow. In ten years, she sees herself where she is right now, because she feels it is a great place to live. She said, "I will be here doing what I do best!"

Some of what she does best, besides farming, is staying connected to family. She stated her mother and sisters are her "guiding lights." Her children have brought her the most happiness, and she hopes the best for them. Along with family, Karen also has a soft spot for her friends. If she was stuck in an elevator with anyone, she'd like it to be her best friend. "We love to talk!" she explained. If she could go back and change one thing, though, she knows exactly what it would be. "I wish I could spend more time with my dear friend, Jacki (Kinnear) Kempf, before she passed away."

As for her hobbies, Karen likes making things with her hands. She enjoys sewing. One of her favorite projects was to make logging style quilts. "Mrs. Janetski got me hooked on that in high school," she shared. Karen said that, for a time, she was making so many that she sold some of her work.

If she could wish for one selfless thing, she would wish for food. "I would want to give it to the people who need it," she shared.

Karen and Greg definitely know a lot about feeding families as they have recently expanded into direct to customer sales from burgers for grilling to bacon-wrapped tenderloin and everything in-between. Customers can purchase Angus beef in individual packages or in quarters, halves, and whole. If you would like to purchase their wide array of products, visit Karen and Greg at the Minocqua Farmers' Market, by the information booth at 8216 Hwy. 51 S, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Friday. For more information on their products that you can also purchase at their farm in Phillips, view their website at and like their Facebook page at

Written By:  Lynne Bohn


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Spotlight: People of Price County    No Replies

My Northern Wisconsin, 12-19-2021, 06:58 AM

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Date Published:  April 1, 2021

As soon as Brittany (Hernandez) Weisrock could string sentences together, she knew she had a love for writing. When she started writing little stories as a child, little did she know that one day she would be a published author. Fast forward to 2021, and that is Brittany’s reality, as she awaits the publication of her first novel, Triad, a new adult paranormal romance/urban fantasy work designed for adult readers who enjoy vampires, shifters, fae (fairies), and magic.

To rewind and start at the beginning, Brittany started her life in Chicago, Illinois, the daughter of Phillips native, Brian Skomaroske. Just before she entered kindergarten, she and her family moved to Phillips, where she spent all her adolescent years. Choosing to keep Phillips as her home after high school graduation, Brittany married Bryan Weisrock, and the couple has a daughter named Peyton, whom Brittany hopes to raise to speak her mind and understand her value. “She’s such a pleasure to watch grow and learn. Raising her is such an amazing thing. She’s this gift I never knew I always wanted,” Brittany said of her pride and joy. Regarding herself, “I’m that mom-type - messy bun, leggings, and a love for tacos I can’t contain! As a self-proclaimed OG bookworm, Netflix junkie, and wine enthusiast, I love losing myself in a great fictional world with a glass of good wine in my hand.”

Some of the books that Brittany has gotten lost in include Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness, A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas, Obsidian by Jennifer Armentrout, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab, and Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan. Knowing she could list more books, she had to stop herself aside from also mentioning the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. “You should know I watched New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn 1 & 2 at midnight along with buying the books at the stores,” Brittany said of her enthusiasm for the series. She stated she is constantly finding new books to love as they offer limitless adventures. “I truly feel you can live more lives than imaginable by simply reading,” a thought encapsulated in one of Brittany’s favorite quotes by V.E. Schwab, “Books, she has found, are a way to live a thousand lives – or to find strength in a very long one.”

Transcending from the written word to on-screen, Brittany confessed she is a huge move nerd and enjoys a number of them, as well. However, her go-to movie and all-time favorite is one she discovered in her younger years, Jurassic Park. “That movie changed my life as a kid! I am a Jeff Goldblum fan!”

It’s no doubt that Brittany enjoys action when the Weisrock family’s favorite sport is hockey. “We love going to Wisconsin Badgers hockey games. It’s just such a fast-paced sport to watch as they fly up and down the ice. Not to mention that where the Badgers play just has this vibe we love from the music playing, the players, and the alumni chants. It’s just awesome to be in the arena and watch the play,” Brittany shared.

While Brittany enjoys watching high energy sports like hockey, she also brings the high energy. “Obviously, I can’t speak for those who meet me, but I generally feel you won’t walk away from me wondering what I was thinking, because odds are, I’m going to tell ya!” She admits she can have a bit of a potty mouth but has zero shame at that. “I’m happy to speak my mind and started blogging, just to get my ideas out there. Authenticity is key for me. I think that’s why blogging was such a fun creative outlet for me.”

While blogging likely helped tune her writing skills, she credits some high school teachers for fostering her interest in the craft. “I knew in middle school I possessed a passion for writing but never knew exactly what to do with it. In high school, I took creative writing classes and advanced composition. Sue Weddle, Staci Mollman, and Eva Reilly really helped me understand just how much I loved writing with some projects we did in class. I even took senior assistantships with Mrs. Reilly and Mrs. Mollman.”

While those women helped guide Brittany in her journey with the written word, she has had other guiding lights throughout her life. “My entire family and the friends I’ve made family are my greatest source of strength, and I love them.” They are the people she knows have served her journey well. “My husband, Bryan Weisrock, and my daughter, Peyton, made me want to be someone they could be proud of. My entire family really is my backbone and foundation, along with these lasting friendships I’ve cultivated with people I believe are extraordinary - they know who they are. I’ve learned so much from them, individually, that it feels like a slight to pick just one. If I had to give a shout out, I’d have to say my dad, Brian Skomaroske, and my gram, Linda Patrick, are such consistent people, and Keri Krupp, who really pushed me to pursue this endeavor [of publishing a book]. But truly, my ENTIRE family has my back - I am the LUCKIEST person to have them. I definitely took traits from some family and friends and incorporated them into Triad.”

Taking note of different personality traits has been a life-long observation, but the actual writing of her book started in January of 2020. Dedicated to her project, her second draft was completed by June. She learned of a writing event where she could connect with agents and publishers if they had interest in the pitch for the work. “I got crazy lucky, and a smaller press liked my pitch. They ended up asking for a full manuscript and we decided, my book, Triad, and I were the right fit for them. After that, I spent six months heavily revising and going through the editorial process with them. It’s crazy how much a book changes from those beginning drafts to publishing. So, in all honesty, it took a full year and a couple months to have Triad where we all wanted it to be story-wise. I’m a better writer for it, and I appreciated the opportunity to work with these professionals.”

Brittany stated that the publishing process is intense. “I didn’t consider self-publishing, though I highly respect those who do. It’s crazy hard. The number of roles you have to take on to succeed is massive and rather impressive. I went the traditional publishing direction, with the query, synopsis aspects….Once you’re contracted, your writing life becomes deadlines, revisions, more edits, and all kinds of fun stuff like cover proposals, blurbs, bios, and brief interviews….I’m aware how lucky I am to have gotten such an early break. Many authors have to query for years.”

For Brittany, there have been many great moments in this rather short amount of time, including reading her book after it was formatted, seeing the cover design, and hearing from the ARC readers, who are the Advanced Review Copy readers who critique the pre-published book. Brittany said of the ARC readers, “That has to be my favorite. When a reader gets in touch with me and gushes about how much they connected with or loved a character, it tells me I did my job right as an author. It’s all I want as an author - to put out a book readers in my genre will love and give them characters they can’t forget!”

As Brittany’s book publication journey unfolds, she wants to tell young people who are pursuing writing not to give up. “There’s going to be a lot of ‘no’s’ in writing and a lot of feeling like you might not be good enough, but keep writing, keep learning, keep honing your skills, and expanding your depth as a writer. If you can learn from your constructive critiques and take those negatives to grow yourself, that’s really the best thing you can do.”

Growing and capturing your life’s purpose as quickly as you can is summed up in one of Brittany’s favorite quotes from V.E. Schwab, “Blink, and the years fall away like leaves.” The seasons of life do pass quickly for us all, and we must remember to embrace them all. At present, Brittany can delight in the season of her first book, another leaf on her tree of life.

Written By:  Lynne Bohn


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Spotlight: People of Price County    No Replies

My Northern Wisconsin, 12-19-2021, 06:56 AM

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Date Published:  April 19, 2020

Saturday, April 11, 2020 should have been race day for Emily Nerison. However, COVID-19 had other plans, canceling many events across the world, including the Milwaukee Half Marathon.

Since Emily is a Master Sergeant in the Wisconsin Army National Guard, WIARNG, she is a runner with Team Red, White, and Blue, also known as Team RWB, which is a team comprised of America's veterans.

Proving her shoes weren't made for just walking, Emily laced up on Saturday to compete in a virtual race, which was a change decided upon by the Milwaukee Half Marathon. Emily shared, "I chose to still run my race on the day it was to be run; it was just a different course. Doing a race with others is a different mindset than doing it by yourself. To help motivate me, I decided to run a good portion of this run in the Team RWB way by carrying the American flag. A part of me was also hoping it would bring some motivation and hope to others. While I was running, I received a lot of waves and honks. It was very inspiring."

In one hour, fifty-four minutes, and fifty-six seconds, 1:54:56, Emily completed her 13.10 miles. "I have a passion for running. I try to do a few races or events per year. It is also my goal every year to run at least 1,000 miles," Emily said.

Not only does she have a passion for running, but she also enjoys reading. When asked about her favorite book, Emily picked the Harry Potter series. "Those books are what really got me into reading. I love the world J.K. created. When reading them, you can feel like you are a part of that world."

Along with those hobbies, she has a full schedule. Emily is married to Kevin, and they have two children that she describes as "wonderful." She enjoys spending time with her family, making lasting memories with them. She said that her favorite memory as a child was camping on Madeline Island. "We used to go as a whole family and got to bring my cousins. We would spend all day on the beach and the nights by the campfire," Emily reminisced happily.

Emily is currently creating memories and raising her family in Phillips. As a Phillips High School graduate and RN at Flambeau Hospital, she has established a good life in Price County. "Price County is a beautiful place. It's a great place to move to because you can enjoy its beauty every day. There is also a lot to do for those who look for it. The school district in Phillips is really good, too. We have some amazing teachers," Emily stated, addressing her reasons why she thinks Price County is a great place to live.

She would, however, like to see some changes in the county. "I would like to see some growth and new life breathed into the county. It would be nice to see some updates to it."

As for Emily's future, in ten years she sees herself as the mother of two very active teenagers, working as an RN, and retired from the WIARNG. Most likely, she will still be running, as well.

Written By:  Lynne Bohn


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Spotlight: People of Price County    No Replies

My Northern Wisconsin, 12-19-2021, 06:54 AM

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Date Published:  November 7, 2019

Melissa Bellovary graduated from Phillips High School,, in 1986. She raised three sons with her husband, Wayne DeLeasky. Melissa went to nursing school and became an LPN, working in that field for the last eighteen years. She spent part of her time as a private duty vent nurse and also worked at a state prison for over eight years. Melissa and Wayne remained in Phillips until 2001 and then moved to Elk Mound, Wisconsin.

In 2019, Melissa decided to make a career shift after discovering a line of products that target people and pets with anxiety, pain, and inflammation. Those products are CBD, short for cannabidiol, which are derived from an industrial hemp plant. They are offered in a variety of forms, including topical creams, oils, water solubles, ingestible gummies, and beverages.

Melissa started using this line of products for her knee and foot pain and had awesome results in a short time. "Then I found I was sleeping so much better, also, and I wanted to share with others."

Encouraged by her experience, Melissa opened her first store in Eau Claire in March of this year and had a great response. Seeing her customers pleased with this line of products, Melissa was encouraged to open two more stores, one in Menomonie in September and one in Phillips on October 31st. This new businesswoman hopes to open two more stores in other locations in the state within the next twelve months.

Enjoying interacting with new customers and forming friendships with repeat customers, Melissa strives to answer any questions and has a good number of resources that can be browsed in her relaxing store setting, complete with a sofa and armchairs.

Melissa stated that some people are skeptical to try the products because they incorrectly worry it will result in a high. "That's the first thing they say: 'It's not going to make me goofy, is it?'" According to Melissa, there is no chance of getting a high with CBD products, which is why they are legal to sell in Wisconsin.

Pleased with the open mind and great welcome she has received from small town Phillips, Melissa is happy she made the choice to open a store in Price County where she has fond memories of growing up and raising her children.

Adding to her family, Melissa now has three grandsons, ages five and three years and nine months. She also has two dogs, four cats, and an African Grey parrot that she describes as "sassy."

Perhaps her parrot has become "sassy" given Melissa's favorite TV show is "The Office." "I love the sarcastic humor, and I have lived through working with each one of those characters [in my previous career]!"

Melissa enjoys travel, and in ten years she would like to travel all over the United States, seeing the unique qualities of each area first-hand. She would also like to travel to Ireland to see the castles, hillsides, and sheep. Her favorite vacation spot so far has been Arizona. "I really like Flagstaff. The state was beautiful, and I liked the mountains, longer growing seasons, and the dry heat."

Melissa said that if she could go back and tell something to her eighteen year old self it would be that, "Time is so precious and to cherish what you have since it can be gone before you expect."

An issue that Melissa is passionate about that she feels is at the forefront of our time is bullying children both in school and out. "We need to make it cool to be kind and treat others decent," Melissa shared. "We need to follow through with consequences for treating kids poorly."

Her advice for students in high school includes, "Go to college, if you are able, and/or work hard to do the best you can at whatever you do. Pick something you enjoy and you look forward to." She added, "Surround yourself with positive people that support and want the best for you, not people than keep you from reaching your career or personal goals."

Surrounding herself with positive people is exactly what Melissa feels she has done. "None of this would have been possible without the love and support of my husband. He has been behind me 110%, which makes all of this worth it."

To welcome Melissa to Phillips, stop by Your CBD Store Phillips at 126 North Lake Avenue from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. There will be a grand opening event on Friday and Saturday with snacks and drawings (to win bath bombs, gummies, and more!) throughout those days.

Written By:  Lynne Bohn


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Spotlight: People of Price County    No Replies

My Northern Wisconsin, 12-19-2021, 06:52 AM

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Date Published:  January 9, 2019

Phillips High Alumnus Gives Back to the Community

“You can truly achieve anything you want in this life if you are willing to work for it,” was the advice given to Justin Drljaca, a 1996 Phillips High graduate, by his grandfather.  He feels that was the best piece of advice he has received, which has followed him throughout his life.

Justin moved to Phillips from Houston, Texas just prior to his freshman year of high school.  “Attending PHS was a major change from what I was used to.  The smaller class sizes and personal attention that was available helped me grow as a student.  The teachers showed a genuine interest in our growth.  I don't know if I would be where I am at today if it weren't for my mother’s decision to move to Phillips.  It is truly a special place,” Justin shared.

While in high school, Justin was involved in football, basketball, golf, soccer, and track.  After graduation, he attended the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, graduating with a degree in biology.  For the next ten plus years, he had a career in the finance field.  “I got into this career for the money and was good at it, but it also was a roller coaster financially.  During the recession, I ended up losing everything, including my business.  In 2013 I made the decision to pursue a new career path.  I spent the next nine months living off of savings while looking for the right opportunity.  In 2014, I landed a career in manufacturing automation.  I am a sales engineer for Barry Wehmiller Integrated Systems, and I absolutely love my career.  It is very mentally stimulating and allows me to see how everything we consume is made.  I travel the country working with engineers (from food, beverage, and household personal care manufacturers) on automating their production lines.  My company actually has ties to Phillips as they own Marquip (BW Papersystems,”

As for Justin’s personal life, he married Brook in January 2018 in Key West, Florida.  “My beautiful wife is my biggest supporter and fan.  I do not know where I would be without her.”  He said they are in the process of purchasing a home on the gulf in Florida and becoming snowbirds like his grandparents.  “Growing up on Soo Lake instilled a passion for fishing in me that still exists today.  Although my career has reduced the time I am able to spend on it, I still fish bass tournaments from time to time throughout the country.  Last summer I took 9th place out of 180 competitors in the FLW Tour on Lake St. Clair in Michigan.”  Justin also enjoys classic cars.  He said, “My father-in-law is an avid collector of classic cars and that bug has now bitten me, as well.  I am the proud owner of two numbers matching Pontiac GTOs, a 1965 and a 1969 convertible.  I spend my free time either fishing, going to car shows, or traveling with my wife.”

To obtain personal and professional success, Justin would advise young people to find a career they like that is also financially fulfilling.  He advised, “Find a career that interests you, but don't be afraid to think ahead and find something that will allow you to reach your financial goals.  There are careers out there that provide both.  As soon as you join the workforce, speak with a financial planner and start saving for your future.  If you start early, you can be retired at a very young age.”

In order to give back to the community that gave him his footing, and to help young people in the Phillips area meet their full potential, Justin has started an annual $2,500 scholarship.  A qualifying member of each graduating class, who is pursing a post high school degree in either automation or a trade, such as lineman, electrician, HVAC, plumbing, etc., will receive this scholarship.

Justin feels strongly about the success a person can have in automation or a trade, and he will also mentor the scholarship recipient.  According to him, “Automation is a fantastic career path for those that choose to pursue it.  It has been a blessing for me and my family.  I am still close with many friends from PHS, of which numerous went into the trades.  Automation, as well as the trades, are continuously seeking talent and provide a great opportunity for growth and income stability.  My goal with this scholarship is to not only help someone pursue their dreams but to help guide them in a career choice that will lead to prosperity.  I will personally make myself available to each recipient for advice and mentoring.”

Interested students will need to fill out the application, submit a 750 word or less essay regarding the chose career path and life goals, plus provide academic information such as ACT results and transcripts.  However, GPA will not discredit someone from receiving this scholarship.  For more details, the application can be obtained in the guidance office at the Phillips High School or you can click on the link, Drljaca Scholarship.pdf, provided to the left of this article.

If anyone is interested in donating to the scholarship fund, checks or money orders can be made payable to Phillips High School c/o The Justin Drljaca Automation and Trade Scholarship.  Money can be sent to 990 Flambeau Avenue, Phillips, WI 54555.  The school will mail any donor a receipt for tax purposes.

Written By:  Lynne Bohn


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Spotlight: People of Price County    No Replies

My Northern Wisconsin, 12-19-2021, 06:50 AM

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Date Published:  December 5, 2019

Josh Englund grew up in Prentice. If there were two things he wished he knew at age 18, it would be to have patience and work hard. "We live in a world where expectations are for things to happen fast. We have fast-food, same-day delivery, and instant everything. There has always been the saying, "Good things come to those who wait." This is true, but the other part of that is you need to work hard for the good things. This is where the saying, "Too good to be true" comes in. If it came easy, quickly, or without effort, it is probably not going to last or it is too good to be true. Work hard, earn it, and appreciate it because at any time it can be gone."

Josh started on his path to working hard by moving to Milwaukee upon graduating from high school. He attended college, receiving an associate's degree in criminal justice, and he feels he gained a wealth of life experience which helped pave the path for his future. In 2014, he decided to move back to Price County to pursue a career in law enforcement working with both the Phillips and Park Falls Police Departments. He eventually decided to make his home in Park Falls with his fiance, Rachel, and their two rescue dogs. He is a few months away from receiving his bachelor's degree in health care administration.

"Through my part-time work with the Park Falls Police Department and working in a security role at Flambeau Hospital, I was exposed to the health care field. It was at this time I applied for my current job and started a new career at Flambeau Hospital in January of 2017," Josh explained.

Along with growing professionally during that time frame, Josh was also growing in personal experiences. He recalls two of his favorite vacations. The first special vacation memory occurred in 2016 when his niece completed her K9 handler training with the Air Force in San Antonio, Texas. "I was able to fly down and attend her graduation. After her graduation, she had to drive back to her base in California. We spent the next couple of days driving across the southern part of the country visiting friends and family. Having that one-on-one time with my niece was something special," Josh shared.

His second favorite vacation happened when he took his fiance on her first surprise airplane ride! For Rachel's birthday, Josh took her and her best friend to visit California and Nevada. "I did not tell her where we were going until we arrived at the airport. She thought we were just going to Madison to visit her best friend. It wasn't until her friend grabbed her luggage and we started driving towards Minneapolis that my fiance realized there was more to the vacation," Josh shared, also stating that the fun moments they experienced and giving Rachel a surprise are the things that made it most special.

Josh seems to enjoy giving to others. "I have always had the need to want to help people. I think that is what steered me towards law enforcement. Being able to help others in their time of need has given me a sense of purpose in life. I have also worked with the Prentice Ambulance Service as an ambulance driver, worked with Catkins Animal Rescue organizing fundraisers and helping out around the shelter when needed, and volunteered my time coaching hockey with Price Ice Hockey. I enjoy helping others and seeing how happy people are when they receive the help they need. We live in an area with a high elderly population, many of who do not have the help they need. I have always been proud to help where I can."

Those facts are likely why Josh says that if he could have any super power, he would choose the power to heal. "We live in a world where there are many people who become sick, have a disease, or become injured. I would love to have the ability to change those people's lives by giving them the gift of health. Each and every one of us should not have to deal with the struggles that an illness or injury can bring along with it."

Josh knows, first hand, about dealing with injuries. In November of 2017, Josh's life took an unexpected turn when he and Rachel were involved in a terrible, head-on car accident. The accident was presumably caused by a drunk driver, though that person's court case is still pending.

Rachel sustained minor injuries. Josh is thankful she was not injured worse. As for Josh, he admits he is lucky to be alive, but he is not so lucky in that he has to deal with the physical, emotional, and financial pains and stresses, even two years later.

"To date, I have had eight surgeries and expect to have at least four more over the next two years. My injuries included a compound fracture of my left femur, a complete dislocation of my left ankle that resulted in a broken tibia and talus bone in my foot, my pelvis had hairline fractures in the front and a large fracture in the back that required surgery to repair, my ribs separated from my sternum, a torn bicep tendon in my left arm, and countless other cuts and bruises. To top things off, as a result of the ankle injury, I had skin that was damaged and turned necrotic. The necrotic tissue then got infected; the infection got into the tibia and talus bone. Since beating off the infection, I have had to have the talus bone removed and part of my tibia cut off because the infection had gotten into the bone. I then required an ankle fusion surgery, and, for the past year, I have had an external fixator device on my leg. My left leg is now two and a half inches shorter than my right. I am estimating that I will have another two years of healing and rehab before I can even walk again."

Josh is not physically able to work as a police officer at this time. He has been able to return to his job at the hospital on a 66% part-time basis. However, work is often difficult because Josh cannot walk on his own. At this time, he has to use crutches or a knee scooter to be ambulatory. He also has to rely on others to do tasks around his home that he would have been able to complete himself in the past. Facing these realities has been a challenge.

Josh spoke candidly about that challenge. "I have always tried to have a positive attitude throughout all of this, because I am just so lucky to be alive. Unfortunately, dealing with injuries, physical limitations, and finances can take its toll on a person. I have always thought to myself that I didn't need any help and I could do it on my own, which is probably why I never wanted or let anyone fundraise for me before this, or that there were others that needed the help more than me. I admit, I was wrong. I have really taken a financial hit as a result of this accident."

Infusing a bit of humor into the heaviness of his ordeal, Josh shared a line he once heard, which is a police joke. "I live with fear and danger every day, but occasionally I leave her to go and catch the bad guy," Josh joked. Fortunately for Rachel, that is just a joke, because he feels Rachel is his guiding light. "Relationships can be tough after a traumatic event such as the car crash we were involved in, but she has been there for me through all the bad days, surgeries, and emotional ups and downs. I cannot thank her enough for all that she has done and for being such an amazing human being who helps me during my long recovery. I couldn't do this without her," Josh shared with heartfelt gratitude.

He has also taken away much life insight from the accident, which he feels is the event that made the biggest impression on his life. "There was a lot of bad that came from it," Josh said, "but there was some good, too. I now have a new appreciation for the lives we are given. At any point, our life can be taken away. We are fragile creatures and sometimes we forget how precious life is. We think to ourselves that nothing bad will happen to us or our family and in a blink of an eye, everything changes. We should always remember to be grateful, live life to the fullest, and make a positive impression on those around you and in your community. We get one chance at this thing called life. You may not be remembered forever, but you will be remembered by those that you interact with for the rest of their lives." To sum up his feelings, Josh said he does live his life by The Golden Rule. "Treat people the way you would like to be treated."

"I look forward to finally recovering from my accident, returning to my jobs, and being a positive role model in my community," Josh expressed. "This accident has completely changed my life, but I won't let it define me. I will have more medical issues as I get older, but I will come back better and stronger than before to help limit those long-term issues. Thank you, and God bless!"


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Written By:  Lynne Bohn


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Spotlight: People of Price County    No Replies

My Northern Wisconsin, 12-19-2021, 06:46 AM

Submitted Photo.

Date Published:  November 20, 2019

"Great Grandpa and Grandma Edinger came from Iowa in a covered wagon and were the first white people to live in this immediate area," Gary Edinger shared of his family's settlement in Price County. Born in 1951 to Jess and Albina (nee France), he was number six of eight children. "I went to a one room school, Meadow Creek, through the first four years, then Kennan Elementary, and graduated from Phillips High School in 1969." For the last 42 years he has been married to Leanne (nee Hill). They currently live on the North Fork of the Jump River on land that has been in the family since 1903. They raised their two children, Garrett and Aubrey, on the homestead. They now have one grandson, James.

As a child, Gary thought he would be a professional baseball player, but he says the fact he could not hit a curve ball halted that dream. Instead, Gary became a logger and has been self-employed since 1986. He made his logging career known to most of the community when he got in a terrible logging accident in 2007, which cost him part of his leg. "My leg was sheared off in a bad logging accident and I somehow managed to survive." The overwhelming kindness of everyone after he lost his leg is what stands out to Gary. "That includes family, friends, community and complete strangers. If I tried to list them all I would certainly leave someone out and that wouldn't be right. It's one of the finest things about living here. When a neighbor is in a bind, people will help you."

However, if you thought that was the most interesting thing about Gary Edinger's life, you would be mistaken. He has led a full one and has done, as he puts it, "all sorts of interesting things." "I raced sled dogs for 19 years, and after Leanne joined me, rose to the professional level and won a Worlds Championship in 1987. I was a commercial salmon fisherman with a fishwheel on the Yukon River in Alaska for 3 summers. I've been a log cabin builder, an elk hunting guide, and a mule packer out in the mountains of Montana and Idaho."

Using the logging accident as the "hook," Gary wrote a book about his life, which was published in 2010. There is a YouTube video at which explores Gary's life a bit more. "Despite my fake leg, I'm still logging, hunting, and packing mules out west." Nothing slows Gary down, and he feels the younger generations should heed his advice on that. "Live life, don't just breath air and take up space. Like John Steinbeck said, don't trade quality of life for quantity of years."

In ten years, Gary wants to find himself "Still above ground and not in a nursing home!" However, if he had the chance to live in another time, he knows exactly when it would have been. "I would have liked to live in early 1700's in upper New York and Pennsylvania, in the period James Fennimore Cooper wrote about in his book The Deerslayer & Last of the Mohicans."

Given this was the time period Gary was destined to live in, though, he has made his mark and contributed to the community in many ways. "I coached Little League and Girls Softball, served on the Price County Fair Board, served on the County's Smart Growth Committee, was president of Price County Waterways Association, co-founder of Friends of the Jump River, served on the Citizens Advisory Committee to the DNR for Water Quality for Logging, worked hard to save the Kennan School (but lost that one), took fifth graders to the stream every spring to teach them about stream health for 21 years, talked to the Phillips Outdoor Education classes every spring for 15 years, and taught and called square dancing, although that last one can hardly be called a contribution because it is so much fun!" Gary remarked.

The one contribution Gary would love to make, if he could choose a super power, would be the power to heal, especially the diseases he called "wicked," like cancer and Alzheimer's. "Those diseases are so unfair."

With fairness and goodness being important to Gary, his favorite holiday is Christmas. The "favorite" things he might like to find around his Christmas tree are rifles, traps, canoes, horses and mules."

Just like a true outdoorsman, he made up his own favorite quote while pulling his pack string in the Frank Church Wilderness in Idaho as he started wondering how many people were doing what he was doing and what they were thinking. His thoughts at that time were, "When you are in the back country by yourself, you are not alone, I am there with you. I know why you are there, what you are thinking, what you are feeling. When you wake in the morning, I too hear the stream just outside the tent. Just before you fall asleep at night, I too hear the last feeble pop of the fire, before it lays down. The only thing I do not know is what you dream. I hope you go to the wild places every chance you get, so I can be there too!"

Written By:  Lynne Bohn


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Spotlight: People of Price County    No Replies

My Northern Wisconsin, 12-19-2021, 06:44 AM

Submitted photo of Ted and Becky Kempkes shortly after they opened Long Lake North

Date Published:  May 22, 2019

Ted Kempkes moved to Phillips in the Summer of 1970 with his wife, Helen, and their infant son, Tim. The Kempkes family decided to make Phillips their home so that Ted could partner with his father, Robert, owning and operating the newspaper in Phillips. "After my dad returned to his career in education, Helen and I continued to own and operate THE-BEE," Ted said. They added the local shopper's guide and later purchased the Park Falls Herald. Ted is very proud of the job his staff did in providing local news of Price County and its various communities. The business was sold in 1998.

Ted and Helen raised three children, Tim, Jeff, and Sarah, who all graduated from Phillips High School. Following a two-year long illness, Helen passed on the year following Sarah's graduation from high school.

"Awhile after Helen's death, I met and married Becky, who shares my life to this day," Ted noted. This union added Becky's two children, Shawn and Jay, to the family. Together, Becky and Ted have taken on a number of activities, including owning Long Lake North,, a resort and residential property they built on Long Lake in Phillips.

"Phillips has been a great home for my family. When first arriving in Phillips, there was a billboard on the south side of town that read, "Welcome to Phillips, the Friendliest Little City in Wisconsin." Through the years, our friends, acquaintances, and associations proved that phrase completely true," Ted said. He added that the opportunity to travel while living in Phillips has emphasized his family's realization that Price County is, indeed, home. "There's nowhere we'd rather live," Ted stated.

Ted feels many associations in the area have made his time here gratifying. While active in civic and local government, he views serving on the board of Northcentral Technical College, and the final two years of his term serving as chairman of that board, especially rewarding.

"Over the years, I've learned that it is far more important to work for what you love than to fight what you hate. That's something I think of every day, along with how much family means to me," he said.

It is evident that family does mean a great deal to Ted. "What matters most to me, in spite of business and professional success, is being a husband and a dad. Helen and I raised three great children and, after I met Becky, the family grew to five children, their husbands and wives, and now ten grandchildren." Ted said that being a dad and grandpa is simply life-fulfilling.  I could not be happier living in Phillips and enjoying our family."


Written By:  Lynne Bohn for My Price County


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Spotlight: People of Price County    No Replies

My Northern Wisconsin, 12-19-2021, 06:40 AM

Photo by: Jean Engel

Date Published:  August 22, 2018

If Cheryl Mallak was stranded on a deserted island, she said she'd want to have her sunglasses with her, because she couldn't count how many times she has had to turn the car around to go back for her sunglasses. This seems to be a theme in Cheryl's life, as her outlook is often a sunny one.

Cheryl is a resident of Fifield. She has been married to Bill Mallak for 40 years. The marriage has brought them two children and five granddaughters.

For 33 years, Cheryl worked at Eyecare and Eyewear Associates as an optician. It was her dream job. "I enjoyed seeing different people every day and getting to hear their stories. I loved hearing about their families, and everybody I worked with was so kind that it was like having a second family," Cheryl said.

As for her hobbies, Cheryl enjoys kayaking. "I love kayaking down the Flambeau River. I enjoy soaking up the sun and enjoying the sights." The hobby she enjoys the most, however, revolves around horses. "I love horses. I've had them most of my life. I usually ride with my sister, Jean. I love to ride in the woods and look at Mother Nature." She said she also loves to shoot pool and throw horseshoes with her friends. When she is not doing all that, she is with family. "My five granddaughters consume my life, which I love."

The motto Cheryl lives by is to be kind to others. "This world needs more love. At a time when hate seems cool, kindness is the answer." On that note, if Cheryl could have one wish to make the world a better place, she would wish for no one to go hungry ever again. "I feel like food is something everybody should have access to."

Cheryl has been living a good life, but it has handed her some lemons, one of which includes the growth of tumors that keep coming back, a condition that affects less than 2% of the population. With those lemons, though, she has tried to make lemonade. "I found out about my first tumor because I started losing movement in my left hand. My pinky and ring finger became really hard to type with or do much of anything. I went to see Dr. Tim Wakefield for what I thought was a pinched nerve, but he informed it wasn't and advised me to get an MRI." Unfortunately, the MRI showed that Cheryl had a golf ball sized tumor, a Grade 1 Meningioma, and she had to have brain surgery to remove it. Since she has found that humor has helped her get through this and has always tried to see the positive in the world, she nicknamed the tumor Francis and had Francis removed in November of 2014. A year and a half later, Cheryl learned she had another tumor and hoped radiation would help, so she tried that route in 2016. However, in January of 2018, another tumor the size of an egg, which she named Flo, was found. A second surgery was scheduled, and she had Flo removed. After the surgery, Cheryl had radiation treatments. "I had 30 radiation treatments at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and in two months I will find out the success of my treatment. Fingers crossed."

Cheryl says the most special thing that has been done for her has definitely been what she is experiencing now. "The support that I have gotten through all my tumors has been tremendous. I am amazed and so thankful at how willing people are to help." If you would like to help Cheryl, you can attend her benefit on Saturday, August 25th at Movrich Park in Fifield from noon to 10 p.m. The band, Flashback, will start at 6 p.m. Ticket raffle sales are available prior to and during the benefit. There are many large items which will be raffled at the benefit, such as fishing rods, Packers gear, a fire ring, 1/4 beef, a gun, and many gift certificates. There will also be basket raffles. Beer, wine coolers, and food will be available at the event. Cheryl also has a GoFundMe page, which can be accessed at

Written By:  Lynne Bohn


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Spotlight: People of Price County    No Replies

My Northern Wisconsin, 12-19-2021, 06:38 AM

Photo by:  Lynne Bohn

Date Published:  July 19, 2018

"What a privilege it is to know someone it is so hard to say goodbye to."

Jay Reinke would have turned 48 today, July 19, 2018. He was slated to be one of our "Spotlight" stories; however, he unfortunately passed on February 20, 2018. As someone who was quite active in our community, we felt it was fitting to pay tribute to him even though he was unable to complete the "Spotlight" interview himself.

Born in Medford, Wisconsin to Walter "Bud" and Marc (Rudolph) Reinke, Jay was raised in Phillips, Wisconsin, where he enjoyed fishing, hunting, boating, and making duck calls. He graduated from Phillips High School in 1988 and completed an Associates Degree in sales and marketing with Northcentral Technical College in Wausau. In August of 1991, he married Tammi Honsa, and they had two children, Nichole & Parker. Jay and Tammi later divorced. In September of 2012, he married Amber Vander Ark.

His sales and marketing career started with insurance sales and followed up with operating a local auction service; working for Wheel Way; being a personal banker for Wells Fargo Bank, Mid-Wisconsin Bank, & Northwoods Community Credit Union; and serving as the national sales manager for Industrial Air Products (IAP).

Outside of his career, Jay served his community. He was an alderman for the City of Phillips, Scout Master of Pack 540 for the Boy Scouts of America, a member of the Board of Directors for Flambeau Hospital, and the chairman of the Chequamegon Chapter of Ducks Unlimited. Jay volunteered as an auctioneer for many local organizations, and most of the community knew they would see him running the 4th of July auction and the market animal sale at the Price County Fair.

After Jay passed on, the condolences poured in on the funeral home's website, and his funeral was attended by hundreds of people with standing room only. My Price County reached out to some of his friends and family asking if they would share memories of Jay. For some, it was too difficult to share. Others wanted to pay tribute in this way.

Jay was clearly a loyal father, wanting to be with his children as much as possible. His daughter, Nichole, who had Jay's first grandchild on July 14th, named Clay Jayson McCann, remembers her father while she was growing up at his house. "It would be so hard to pick just one memory, honestly. But I always remember him tucking me in at night when I was a little girl. It was always my dad tucking me in, and he would lay in bed with me until I would fall asleep. We would talk about everything and anything, and he taught me a little saying that we would say every night, too, which was "Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. Keep me safe all through the night, and wake me with the morning light." Those are the moments I think about most when I think about him."

Jay's work "family" spoke out about Jay. Jenny Marshall, an IAP representative from California worked a lot with Jay on her projects and stated, "Jay will be missed by all the people who worked with him. Jay had an easy-going style, good sense of humor and gave you a feeling that everything will be okay. We are all better people for having known Jay."

Mick Theis, co-owner of IAP and Jay's childhood friend, shared, "All of us that worked with Jay appreciated his love for family and life. Jay approached life with a positive outlook. He never seemed to have a bad day; he was always cheerful, optimistic, and upbeat. While Jay's five plus years at IAP were far too short, we are thankful for the time and memories we have. Caring, genuine, and thoughtful are just a few words that come to mind in remembering Jay and the wonderful man he was."

Another childhood friend, Davette Lynne Hrabak, also mentioned some of Jay's attributes. "The words that come to mind when I think of Jay are personality, dependability, and loyalty. Those of us that had the pleasure of growing up with Jay know that he will be remembered and live on in the hearts and minds of all the people he touched over the years. As the community knows, stories of "Jay" proliferate, whether it be of childhood activities, school time fun, family relationships and outings, work activities, auctioneering, hunting, fishing, or hanging out and relaxing. His impact will, in some ways, live on in the lives of people that he has never met as people who knew and interacted with Jay will further use the teachings, stories, or jokes that they experienced when interacting with him. Jay had a way about him; he got along with most everyone, accepted people for who they were, and took time to let others know they were important. He listened and joked with them, and he did this with people he knew since childhood or people he just met; he did this with everyone. Jay was a chameleon of sorts as he could interact with others in a large group or relax and enjoy himself during times of solitude. Basically what sums my memories up is: "I don't know of anyone that did not have a brighter day after running into Jay somewhere."

Lynne Bohn shared her Facebook post that she wrote the day of Jay's funeral. "Jay has been in my life since the day I was born. The youngest son to my Godmother, at my baptism he stood by her side and announced that he was, therefore, my "Godbrother," which became a lifelong "joke" for us. I looked up to him greatly as a child. Being younger, I'd always tag along when he and my big sister, Davette, played together. They both made me feel welcome. Jay always made sure to pay attention to me. Whether we were playing games or hanging out by his "bar" in Marc's basement, shooting some hoops on either ours or their driveway basketball "court," playing in his tiny cabin that felt huge to my little self, or walking down the steep hill (where he made steps and a guide rope and always helped me) into the valley to visit the river, Jay always made me feel included, safe, and loved. He'd play the piano for me at his Mom's house or when we all went out to eat at Kozy Town in Fifield. He loved to talk like Donald or Daffy Duck to make me laugh. As kids, we had fun times around the dinner table having our own conversations while the moms and their friends had theirs, plus I'll never forget those shopping trips the five of us took together and the silly laughter and talks us kids had in the car on the drives there and back with our moms. As an adult, Jay was still there for me. He definitely put in a good word for me on a couple websites. And he always knew how to make me laugh, one time telling me that we were married in about five foreign countries after I signed some documents at the bank, which became another joke of ours. When I sit down and think about it, there are so many good memories. He will always be in the hearts of my mom, sister, and me. He is a forever friend, and he is "family." He was a wonderful man taken too soon. Until we meet again, Jay, I will keep your memory alive in my heart and know I was lucky to have known you and had you in my life. Rest in peace, my 'Godbrother.'"

Gregg Griesel, co-owner of Wheel Way, worked with Jay and also became his friend. "I am missing my friend, Jay. The 2018 golf season is well underway. Things are just not the same without Jay Reinke. The season usually began with a phone call that I so looked forward to every year. I would answer with a resounding "Jayson!" and he would reply back with an enthusiastic "Greggor!" Later, we would see each other at the golf course, greet one another with a gorilla handshake, and, on the course we would encourage each other, as well as offer advice and critique each others' golf swings. I keep hearing those memorable words, "Nice and easy now." I would get halfway through my back swing and Jay would yell out, "Kill that son on a .....!" Who can forget about Jay's signature putting style, between the legs backwards. As we would pass each other between Holes 1 and 3, everybody would hear our boisterous exchange of "Jayson!" and "Greggor!" Then, of course, there was the big debate over my magenta colored golf head covers. Jay always insisted they were pink. Of course, I, in turn, argued that they were a manly magenta. Let's face it, the sunlight has caused them to fade over the years, and Jay was right, they are basically pink! In June, Jay and I always looked forward to the Phillips Golf Fun Day. As was a tradition, Jay would want to stop for breakfast on the way. I didn't mind. In fact, sometimes I rather insisted! In loving memory of Jay "Jayson!" Reinke, I just wanted to share a few thoughts. Thank you for allowing me to reminisce about the good times we had together on and off the golf course. From one big voice to another, I will always remember and cherish the times we shared. My love and heartfelt sympathy to the entire Reinke family. All my prayers, and may God bless you and keep you."

Rose Brown knew Jay from the community. "I enjoyed knowing Jay, who affectionately called me Rose Green instead of Brown. I will never forget the holiday dinner made at Mid-Wisconsin Bank where he taught me to properly grill potatoes. Marc taught him well. He was a great guy who made sure everything was "fair enough." He will be missed by many!"

Finally, Jay's wife, Amber, had these thoughts on this day, "Today would have been Jay's 48th birthday! To say this world lost an amazing person way too soon would be a gross understatement. Jay touched the lives of everyone he met. None of us understand why it was his turn to go! We all miss him and want him here with us. It is so true....We never know how much time we have. Jay never thought any of this would happen. He was so positive throughout his whole illness and he never doubted he wouldn't beat it, which made the rest of believe he would be okay. Tonight we will celebrate Jay's life as a family. We will reminisce, laugh, cry and raise a glass of Seven and Seven with a slice of lime in honor of him! Today will not be easy for any of us, but we will get through by leaning on each other for support. Don't take the time you have for granted with the ones that you love. Hug and kiss them and tell them you love them every chance you get. All we have in this life is this moment in time. We never know what the next moment holds."

After reading through those memories, it is safe to say of Jay, "What a privilege it is to know someone it is so hard to say goodbye to."

Written By:  Lynne Bohn


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